Recent Works Shortcode
Avada includes 3 different styles of recent work shortcodes that allow you to display your portfolio posts on any page you wish. Use a carousel, grid, or grid with excerpts. All styles can specify a certain category and number of posts. Both the grid and grid with excerpts can also use 1-6 columns and show filters.
Recent Work Carousel
The Carousel is one of the layouts included with the Recent Works shortcode. This layout is a simple way to showcase your portfolio. Determine which categories will be included or excluded. Set various settings such as fixed or auto for the picture size, how many posts to display, and the animation type, direction and speed. You can also use this shortcode with our columns shortcode.
Recent Work Grid
The Grid is one of the layouts included with the Recent Works shortcode. This layout is an elegant and eye-catching way to showcase your portfolio. Show filters and determine which categories will be included or excluded. Set various settings such as fixed or auto for the picture size, how many posts to display, how many columns to display, and column spacing. Also set the animation type, direction and speed for the images. You can also use this shortcode with our columns shortcode.
Recent Work Grid With Excerpts
The Grid is one of the layouts included with the Recent Works shortcode. This layout is an informative and clever way to showcase your portfolio. Show filters and determine which categories will be included or excluded. Set various settings such as fixed or auto for the picture size, excerpt length, how many posts to display, how many columns to display, and column spacing. Also set the animation type, direction and speed for the images. You can also use this shortcode with our columns shortcode.
中軽井沢で代々続く医療法人 木家医院は、地元の方々に奉仕する精神を大切にしています。 歴史はありますが医学知識と治療機器は最先端。患者様への奉仕に勉強と投資は惜しみません。 ウォーターマッサージベッド 「マッサージ」、「あん摩」、「指圧」などの手技治療は古来より疲労回復や慢性疾患等に有効な治療法とされており、現代社会でも慢性疾患はむろんストレスによる疲労回復に、整形外科や内科領域といった医学分野でも活用が広がっています。本ウォーターマッサージベッドでは「水」本来の流体特性を応用した浮遊感に抱かれながら手技治療のような力強く・心地良い刺激を実現しています。 骨密度測定装置 腰痛や骨折の原因となる病気「骨粗しょう症」の診断には正確な骨密度測定による早期発見が非常に大切です。 当院に設置している最先端の骨密度測定装置では従来とは比較にならないほど正確かつ安全に骨粗しょう症の診断が可能です。 能動型自動間欠牽引装置 心電図 低周波治療器 乾式ホットパック装置 高圧蒸気滅菌器 X線装置
中軽井沢で代々続く医療法人 木家医院は、地元の方々に奉仕する精神を大切にしています。 歴史はありますが医学知識と治療機器は最先端。患者様への奉仕に勉強と投資は惜しみません。 ウォーターマッサージベッド 「マッサージ」、「あん摩」、「指圧」などの手技治療は古来より疲労回復や慢性疾患等に有効な治療法とされており、現代社会でも慢性疾患はむろんストレスによる疲労回復に、整形外科や内科領域といった医学分野でも活用が広がっています。本ウォーターマッサージベッドでは「水」本来の流体特性を応用した浮遊感に抱かれながら手技治療のような力強く・心地良い刺激を実現しています。 骨密度測定装置 腰痛や骨折の原因となる病気「骨粗しょう症」の診断には正確な骨密度測定による早期発見が非常に大切です。 当院に設置している最先端の骨密度測定装置では従来とは比較にならないほど正確かつ安全に骨粗しょう症の診断が可能です。 能動型自動間欠牽引装置 心電図 低周波治療器 乾式ホットパック装置 高圧蒸気滅菌器 X線装置
Complete Set of Options
Every option and description included with the recent works shortcode is listed below.
- picture_size – Can be one of these values: fixed, or auto. Sets picture size to fixed or not.
- layout – Can be one of these values: grid, grid-with-text, or carousel. Sets the layout of the shortcode.
- boxed_text – Custom setting for grid-with-text layout. Can be one of these values: boxed, or unboxed. This will enable or disable a boxed layout.
- filters – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will show or hide the filters.
- columns – Can be one of these values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Sets the number of columns to be displayed. Only works with grid, or grid-with-text layouts.
- column_spacing – Accepts a numerical value to set column spacing. For example, 7. Only works with grid, or grid-with-text layouts.
- cat_slug – The slug name of the category from which you want the posts to be displayed. Use a comma for multiple categories.
- exclude_cats – The slug name of the category you want to exclude. Use a comma for multiple categories.
- number_posts – Accepts a numerical value to show how many posts are displayed. For example, 7.
- excerpt_length – Accepts a numerical value to show how many characters or words your excerpt will be. For example, 15.
- animation_type – Can be one of these values: none, bounce, fade, flash, shake, or slide. Sets the animation to use on the shortcode.
- animation_direction – Can be one of these values: down, right, left, or up. Sets the incoming direction for the animation.
- animation_speed – Accepts a numerical value from .1, which is the slowest, to 1, which is the fastest.
- class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
- id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.